Photo by Sam James @samjames.jpeg
Outsiders Amongst Outsiders
Gauntlets, spikes and BC Rich guitars. Bullet belts nowhere near a waistline. Silver upside down cross hanging on a chain from a microphone. A gas mask stares blankly at the crowd. Possessed drummer in full corpse paint and a sweater walks on stage in a trance. The room is a furnace. Stagnant air that smells like a metal show. Beer and BO mixing in the air through an old dusty fan that does a better job of circulating the stench than fresh air. It’s not a night for relief. Comfort isn’t a priority. If you want water there’s a cooler in the corner. It’s exactly the type of setting you want for this. Visceral. Dark. Disgusting details creating an atmosphere of discomfort to compliment the music. This is exactly what I came for.
Photo by Sam James @samjames.jpeg
Morbosidad blast, boom and dive bomb through their unique interpretation Black/Death/War Metal. The most extreme aspects of those genres meticulously combined to create an overwhelming sound. It’s harsh. The type of music that sounds like it’s played on guitar strings made from barbed wire. They demand your attention. They require it. Enjoyment is not something that comes easy, but once you break through the dense layer or noise you discover something more. It’s spiritual. A celebration of aggression. A sound created and shared by people passionate about upholding the purity of extreme music.
Crowd shots by Luke James @lukejeffjames
Photos by Sam James @samjames.jpeg
When you try to make something for everyone, who is it really for? Morbosidad create music for themselves before all others. A labor of love. Of passion and compulsion. Delivered in harsh, aggressive tones. This isn’t for you unless you want it to be. Heavy Metal like this is a defiant act of individuality for the outsiders amongst outsiders. Morbosidad are that. Singular in their existence.
Written by Luke James @lukejeffjames
Photography by Sam (Willey) James @samjames.jpeg